June Pet Service

Each year on a Sunday afternoon in June,  the Christian Centre hosts an outdoor service for the blessing of family pets,  and for the owners of the pets.   Refreshments will be served afterwards,  and a certificate of blessing will be given for each pet who is blessed.

Everyone from our community on the Whitwell Estate and greater Stocksbridge is invited to attend.

For this year’s date and time,  see the sub-section for the current year’s events.

Pets are an important part of our lives, our companions and a link with nature.  A service of blessing binds pets and carers together and gives thanks to God for our lives together.

Children accompanied by an adult are especially invited to attend this service.

If you would like to attend,  please send an email to the minister, the Revd. James H. Grayson, at j.h.grayson@sheffield.ac.uk  with the following information (for planning).

Name of each pet

Type of pet (cat, dog, snake, goldfish, etc)

Special needs?

Name of carer

Contact details (email address or telephone numbers are preferred)

For photographs from previous years,  see ‘Church Photographs’ under ‘About Us’.

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